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Informacje o obronach
Dziekanat Wydziału Lekarskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Łodzi,
uprzejmie zawiadamia, że w auli Rektoratu ul. al. Kościuszki 4, odbędą się publiczne obrony
prac doktorskich:
W dniu 02.02.2017 r. godz. 12.00 lek. med. Magdaleny Ciążyńskiej
p.t. „Rola wybranych białek zaangażowanych w proces fotodestrukcji skóry w patogenezie
raka podstawnokomórkowego”.
Promotor: prof. dr hab. Aleksandra Lesiak
Recenzenci: prof. dr hab. Rafał Czajkowski
prof. dr hab. Wioletta Barańska-Rybak
W dniu 08.02.2017 r. godz. 12.00 lek. med. Martyny Wojtaszek-Nowickiej
p.t. „Ocena przydatności elastografii w diagnostyce zmian pęcherzykowych gruczołu tarczowego
– porównanie z klasycznym badaniem ultrasonograficznym”.
Promotor: prof. dr hab. Dorota Słowińska-Klencka
Recenzenci: prof. dr hab. Anhelli Syrenicz
dr hab. Hanna Ławnicka
W dniu 08.02.2017 r. godz. 13.00 lek. med. Anny Sztafińskiej
p.t. „Wpływ leczenia przeciwastmatycznego na powysiłkowy skurcz oskrzeli
u dzieci chorych na astmę”.
Promotor: prof. dr hab. Iwona Stelmach
Recenzenci: prof. dr hab. Elżbieta Czkwianianc
dr hab. Bolesław Kalicki
W dniu 08.02.2017 r. godz. 14.00 mgr Agnieszki Jakubowskiej
p.t. „Prof. dr med. Zbigniew Garnuszewski – twórca medycyny komplementarnej
w Polsce i w Europie. Analiza stosowanych metod terapeutycznych i możliwości ich wykorzystania
w terapii holistycznej”.
Promotor: prof. dr hab. Czesław Jeśmian
Recenzenci: prof. dr hab. Piotr Woźniak
prof. dr hab. Andrzej Frydrychowski
W dniu 15.02.2017 r. godz. 12.00 lek. med. Marty Grancow-Grabki
p.t. „Wpływ suplementacji preparatem kwasów tłuszczowych omega-3
na wybrane funkcje poznawcze u chorych z pierwszym epizodem schizofrenii”.
Promotor: prof. dr hab. Agnieszka Gmitrowicz
Recenzenci: prof. dr hab. Marta Makara-Studzińska
prof. dr hab. Marta Anczewska
W dniu 15.02.2017 r. godz. 13.00 lek. med. Michał Libiszewski
lek. med. Michała Libiszewskiego p.t. „Wpływ podaży doustnych roztworów glukozy na występowanie
insulinooporności pooperacyjnej w wybranych zabiegach”,
Promotor: prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Kołomecki
Recenzenci: prof. dr hab. Jadwiga Snarska
dr hab. Tomasz Stępień
W dniu 22.02.2017 r. godz. 11.00 lek. med. Jarosława Woźniaka
p.t. „Ocena funkcji stawu skokowego po leczeniu operacyjnym złamań kostek goleni
z uszkodzeniem więzozrostu piszczelowo-strzałkowego w zależności od czasu usunięcia
śruby stabilizującej więzozrost piszczelowo-strzałkowy ”.
Promotor: prof. dr hab. Marek Synder
Recenzenci: prof. dr hab. Wojciech Strzyżewski
prof. dr hab. Sławomir Snela
Prace do wglądu: Biblioteka Główna UM w Łodzi
Obrony prac doktorskich
Dziekanat Wydziału Lekarskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Łodzi, uprzejmie zawiadamia, że w auli Rektoratu ul. al. Kościuszki 4, odbędą się publiczne obrony
prac doktorskich:
dnia 30.11.2016r. godz. 1200 – mgr Joanny Pietrzak
p.t. „Poziom lęku i depresji a jakość życia u chorych na reumatoidalne
zapalenie stawów przed i po wszczepieniu endoprotezy stawu biodrowego lub kolanowego
Promotor: prof. dr hab. T. Pietras
Recenzenci: prof. dr hab. D. Podgórska-Jachnik
dr hab. M. Talarowska
godz. 1300 – lek. med. Łukasza Mokrosa
p.t. „ Chronotyp i struktura temperamentu jako predyktory
zaburzeń nastroju i niskiej jakości snu wśród studentów medycyny”
Promotor: prof. dr hab. Tadeusz Pietras
Recenzenci: prof. dr hab. M. Furgał
prof. dr hab. J. Kocur
dnia 07.12.2016 r. o godz. 1200 – mgr Emilii Majsiak
p.t. „Analiza przesiewowa występowania swoistych przeciwciał E w surowicach dzieci i dorosłych w Polsce”
Promotor: prof. dr hab. K. Buczyłko
Recenzenci: prof. dr hab. B. Rogala
prof. dr hab. B. Samoliński
o godz. 1300 – lek. stom. Anny Guzowskiej
p.t. „Wpływ środków płuczących stosowanych w leczeniu endodontycznym na siłę
połączenia materiału kompozytowego z zębiną”
Promotor: Prof. dr hab. E. Bołtacz-Rzepkowska
Recenzenci: dr hab. D. Skaba
prof. dr hab. J. Sokołowski
o godz. 1400 – lek. med. Katarzyny Detka
p.t. „Weryfikacja nieprawidłowych wyników cytologicznych ASC-US”
Promotor: prof. dr hab. Andrzej Malarewicz
Recenzenci: prof. dr hab. A. Malinowski
prof. dr hab. T. Pertyński
dnia 14.12.2016 r. o godz. 1200 – mgr Macieja Poborczyka
p.t. „Wpływ zabiegu hemodializy na czynność układu krążenia i ciśnienie tętnicze
u chorych z cechami hipotensji śróddializacyjnej”
Promotor: prof. dr hab. Michał Nowicki
Recenzenci: prof. dr hab. J. Manitius
prof. dr hab. W. Załuska
dnia 16.12.2016 r. o godz. 1200 – lek. med. Michała Poznańskiego
p.t. „Nikotynizm a ekspresja i immunoekspresja pentraksyny 3 u chorych na przewlekłą obturacyjną chorobę płuc ”
Promotor: prof. dr hab. Adam Antczak
Recenzenci: dr hab. A. Barczyk
dr hab. K. Kuziemski
Prace do wglądu: Biblioteka Główna UM w Łodzi
Wybory uzupełniające w grupie pracowników niebędących nauczycielami akademickimi
Dokument do pobrania:
Wybory uzupełniające w grupie pracowników niebędących nauczycielami akademickimi
Wybory uzupełniające w grupie nauczycieli akademickich nie będących profesorami i doktorami habilitowanymi
Stypendium na kurs online z ortopedii i chirurgii urazowej ChM Trauma and Orthopaedics (Online Distance Learning) programme
Dział Współpracy Zagranicznej zawiadamia o możliwości ubiegania się o następuje stypendium:
The Lt.Col Jack Wishart Scholarship
One scholarship is available to applicants enrolled on the ChM Trauma and Orthopaedics (Online Distance Learning) programme in the 2017-2018 academic session.
The award will contribute £500 per year toward tuition fees and is tenable for two academic years.
Eligible applicants must been accepted to study the ChM Trauma and Orthopaedics (Online Distance Learning) commencing in 2017-2018 and be a national and resident of the following countries:
- Belarus
- Bulgaria
- Czech Republic
- Hungary
- Moldova
- Poland
- Romania
- Russia
- Slovakia
- Ukraine
Applicants should already have been offered a place at the University of Edinburgh and should have firmly accepted that offer or be intending to do so.
Applicants who have already commenced their programme of study on the closing date are not eligible for this scholarship.
Więcej informacji: http://www.ed.ac.uk/student-funding/postgraduate/e-learning/wishart
Stypendium edukacyjne na studia w University of Edinburgh College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine
Mary Orr Paterson Scholarship
The value of the award is a maximum of £4,000 per annum towards fees or maintenance costs or travelling expenses and is tenable for the duration of the programme of study, subject to satisfactory academic progress.
The scholarship is awarded broadly on the basis of academic merit and primarily to citizens from the Czech Republic, Poland, Russia or Slovakia who are accepted for admission on a full-time basis for a programme of study within the College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine and whose personal circumstances would make accepting an offer from the University difficult.
Więcej informacji: http://www.ed.ac.uk/student-funding/postgraduate/uk-eu/medicine-vet-medicine/paterson
Stypendia naukowe dla młodych naukowców i doktorantów na Szkołę Letnia w Szkocji: The Edinburgh Summer School Clinical Education
Dział Współpracy Zagranicznej zawiadamia o możliwości ubiegania się o następuje stypendia:
Polish School of Medicine Memorial Fund Scholarships
Call for Applications – Edinburgh Clinical Education Summer School August 2017
Closing date: Thursday 23rd March 2017
The Polish School of Medicine Memorial Fund supports a thriving scholarship programme which enables successful applicants to undertake a period of further study or research at The University of Edinburgh Medical School and related institutions.
The Scholarship
A total of 8 scholarships are available. The scholarship will cover the cost of the course fee and up to 7 nights’ accommodation at Pollock Halls of Residence on a Bed &breakfast basis.
The programme is open to Polish medical scientists
- in their early career (usually within 10 years of their medical graduation – MB ChB equivalent)
- working in Polish Medical Academies/Universities and Research Institutes
- with excellent mastery of English and
- committed to the further development of expertise in medical education in Poland.
Note: The expectation and intention of the founders of the Polish School of Medicine Memorial Fund Scholarship Programme is that successful applicants should return to their units/ departments in Poland on completion of their attachment/studies, use their new found skills to further enhance and develop Polish medicine and thus foster academic links between Polish Medical Universities and Research Institutes and The University of Edinburgh.
The Edinburgh Summer School Clinical Education
The Edinburgh Summer School in Clinical Education (ESSCE) is a week long course of interactive workshops to develop your skills around teaching, learning and assessment, with enough theory to give you the tools and the confidence to lead change, evaluate developments and ensure excellence in your future practice. The course dates for 2017 are 14th -18th August 2017.
More information about the summer school can be found at: http://www.ed.ac.uk/medicine-vet-medicine/summer-school/about or by e-mail toessce@ed.ac.uk
How to apply: See page 2.
Address to which applications should be sent: maria.graham@ed.ac.uk
PLEASE NOTE: The closing date: Thursday 23rd March 2017
Late Applications will NOT be considered
Application Procedure:
Candidates should supply the following letters/ documents in support of their application:
- an up to date Curriculum Vitae in English giving sufficient information about the their achievements and particularly their teaching experience to date so that an informed decision about their suitability can be made. A list merely giving dates, hospital names and job titles is not acceptable;
- verified* copy of the diploma issued by the University or other body granting the applicant’s medical qualification;
- verified* copy of the IELTS certificate or other certificate being submitted as evidence of satisfactory mastery of the English language. Language skills may be assessed by interview for those who are fluent in English but do not have a certificate to submit as evidence;.
- a personal statement of no more than 500 words indicating why they wish to apply for this scholarship and the likely benefit to them and their medical university should they be successful with their application;
- a letter of support preferably written in English from the Rector /Vice-Rektor of the applicant’s Medical University /Research Institute in Poland.
* “verified” means that the copy of the document is a true copy of the original. Confirmation from their Dean or Rektor’s Office will be accepted.
Polish Documents do not require to be translated into English in this instance.
For enquiries about applying for the scholarship, please contact:
Dr Maria Dlugolecka-Graham MBE
Polish School of Medicine Coordinator for The University of Edinburgh
College of Medicine & Veterinary Medicine The University of Edinburgh,
Room SU205, Chancellors Building
49 Little France Crescent
Edinburgh EH16 4SB UK
e-mail: maria.graham@ed.ac.uk
Roczne stypendia naukowe dla młodych lekarzy i doktorantów w University of Edinburgh Medical School w Szkocji: Polish School of Medicine Memorial Fund Scholarship
Dział Współpracy Zagranicznej zawiadamia o możliwości ubiegania się o następuje stypendia:
Polish School of Medicine Memorial Fund Scholarships
Call for Applications – 2017/2018
Closing date: 15th May 2017
The Polish School of Medicine Memorial Fund supports a thriving scholarship programme which enables successful applicants to undertake a period of further study or research at The University of Edinburgh Medical School and related institutions.
The Scholarship
For scholars undertaking research or postgraduate degree courses in Edinburgh, the award normally consists of a subsistence allowance payable for periods of 1-12 months, depending on the length of their study/ research. It does not cover research costs or travel to and from Poland. Assistance with tuition fees is likely to be available for a limited number of successful applicants. In the case of successful applicants undertaking distance learning degree programmes the award will normally cover the tuition fees, subject to satisfactory progress, but no subsistence allowance is payable. Applications from those wishing to undertake short study visits or non-degree programme related research should contact one of the coordinators below at the earliest opportunity to discuss their application.
The programme is open to Polish medical scientists
- in their early career (usually within 10 years of their medical graduation – MB ChB equivalent)
- working in Polish Medical Academies/Universities and Research Institutes
- with excellent mastery of English and
- committed to the further development of medical research expertise in Poland.
Applicants must agree to provide the Polish School of Medicine Memorial Fund Committee with a scholarship report within 1 month of completing their programme of study/ research.
The expectation and intention of the founders of the Polish School of Medicine Memorial Fund Scholarship Programme is that successful applicants should return to their units/ departments in Poland on completion of their attachment/studies, use their new found skills to further enhance and develop Polish medicine and thus foster academic links between Polish Medical Universities and Research Institutes and The University of Edinburgh.
Applications for the academic year 2017/2018: Applications will be considered from candidates eligible and wishing to apply for a 1 year taught Masters programme/ Masters by research offered at The University of Edinburgh College of Medicine or a Masters by distance learning provided that they have the full support of their Head of Department and Polish Medical University authorities. These must be submitted via the Degree Course link to the Scholarship Application form. Other applications will be considered – see above. A separate Call will be issued for applications from those wishing to attend the Edinburgh Summer School in Clinical Education in August 2017
Further information and an application form for degree course applicants can be found at: http://www.ed.ac.uk/student-funding/postgraduate/uk-eu/medicine-vet-medicine/polish
Other applicants are advised to make contact with either of the scholarship coordinators listed below:
Dr Maria Dlugolecka-Graham MBE Polish School of Medicine Coordinator for The University of Edinburgh e-mail: maria.graham@ed.ac.uk
Professor dr hab. med. Jacek Wachowiak Poznan Coordinator PSMMF Scholarship Programme Office of the President Poznan University of Medical Sciences ul Fredry 10 61 –701 Poznan, Poland e-mail: jacek.wachowiak@plusnet.pl |
All scholarship applications MUST be submitted by the closing date – 15th May 2017. Late applications will NOT be accepted.
Further Information for Applicants wishing to undertake short visits or research not related to a degree programme:
Please note that candidates who wish to be considered for SHORT VISITS or RESEARCH not relating to a degree programme CANNOT apply for a scholarship via the University web-site. They MUST contact either Professor Wachowiak or myself so that appropriate arrangements can be made for their applications to be considered by the Scholarships Committee.
Applicants will be required to submit the following documents:
- an up to date Curriculum Vitae in English giving sufficient information about the their achievements and experience to date so that an informed decision about their suitability can be made. A list merely giving dates, hospital names and job titles is not acceptable
- verified* copy of the diploma issued by the University or other body granting the applicant’s medical qualification.
- verified* copy of the IELTS certificate or other certificate being submitted as evidence of satisfactory mastery of the English language as required for the type of scholarship for which they wish to apply
- verified* copy of any other relevant documentation eg confirmation of their stage of specialty training, appropriate registration status and licensing with the GMC, etc.
- copy of one scientific publication in which the applicant was a main author
- letters of support written in English from the Rector of the applicant’s Medical University in Poland AND the applicant’s Head of Department in Poland
- a letter from the Head of Department in the host academic unit at the University of Edinburgh supporting the application.
* Verified by a Notary Public or other responsible person or body as a true copy of the original. In this context ‘responsible person’ means eg Dean or Associate Dean of the Medical Academy, Administrative Head of the International Office or other senior officer empowered to do this.
Completed applications should be sent electronically to the Polish School of Medicine Coordinator in Edinburgh by the closing date. : 15th May 2017
Applications should be sent electronically to: maria.graham@ed.ac.uk
Late applications will not be considered
A separate Call for Applications for the Edinburgh Summer School in Clinical Education 2017 will be issued in November 2016
W ramach dalszego poszerzania oferty programu nauczania na kierunku lekarskim Wydziału Lekarskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Łodzi zwracam się z uprzejmą prośbą o zgłaszanie kolejnych propozycji do prowadzenia zajęć fakultatywnych w wymiarze:
15 godzin w grupach seminaryjnych (semestr zimowy)
15 godzin w grupach seminaryjnych (semestr letni)
15 godzin w grupach seminaryjnych (semestr zimowy)
6 godzin wykładów i 9 godzin w grupach dziekańskich (semestr letni)
10 godzin wykładów i 10 godzin w grupach seminaryjnych (semestr zimowy)
15 godzin w grupach seminaryjnych (semestr letni)
15 godzin w grupach seminaryjnych i 10 godzin w grupach klinicznych- nauczanie zintegrowane (semestr letni)
25 godzin w grupach seminaryjnych (semestr letni)
15 godzin w grupach seminaryjnych- zajęcia prowadzone w języku polskim (semestr zimowy)
15 godzin w grupach seminaryjnych- zajęcia prowadzone w języku angielskim (semestr zimowy)
15 zajęć w grupach seminaryjnych (semestr letni)
Propozycje fakultetów proszę składać w Dziekanacie Wydziału Lekarskiego, Al. Kościuszki 4, pokój numer 8 do dnia 31.12.2016 r.
- « Poprzednie
- 1
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- 46
- 47
- 48
- 49
- 50
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- 76
- Następne »